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Homecare providers informed that HSE will not fund extra hours for existing clients

In-home care providers operating in several counties have been informed that the Health Service Executive (HSE) will not fund additional hours of homecare for existing service-users.
Home and Community Care Ireland (HCCI), a body representing homecare providers, said that, on foot of the announcement, service-users in Co Donegal, Co Sligo, Co Leitrim, Co Monaghan and Co Cavan who are in need of additional hours of care will not receive the care they require to stay at home.
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The HSE will continue to fund care hours for new patients seeking to avail of in-home care. However, in some parts of the country, long waiting lists delay access to in-home care, according to new data compiled by HCCI. By the end of last year, 1,400 people were on a waiting list for in-home care in Kerry and Cork, while in north Dublin, just 19 people were waiting.
In a statement, HCCI called on the Government to put €211 million in Budget 2025 towards reversing the decision not to fund additional hours of care, as well as tackling waiting lists for homecare and improving pay and conditions for homecare workers.
Joseph Musgrave, chief executive of HCCI, said the data recently compiled by the representative body showed a “two-tier homecare system” had developed.
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“If someone in need of homecare lives in or around Dublin, they will more than likely get the homecare they need in a timely manner. But for those living in Kerry and Cork in particular, there is a very high probability they will be waiting a long time for a homecare package,” he said in a statement.
He said that the announcement regarding care in Donegal, Sligo, Leitrim, Monaghan and Cavan – referred to collectively as Community Healthcare Organisation Area 1, or CHO1 – was “very worrying and a real shame”.
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“We are seeking clarity from the HSE as to whether this announcement is isolated or something that will affect all CHO [areas]. Ireland ages regardless of home support funding and the failure to grow the service leads to unmet need in the community,” Mr Musgrave said.
“The Government needs to commit €211 million to tackle waiting lists and to reverse the decision by the HSE to stop issuing new homecare hours in CHO1. We also need to improve pay and benefits for homecare workers and then be smarter in how we use that funding,” he said.
The HSE was contacted for comment.
